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CBS Hit With $1.3M Verdict In Personal Audio Patent Suit
A Texas federal jury on Monday ordered CBS Corp. to pay $1.3 million in damages after finding that it infringed a patent on disseminating media content that patent licensing firm Personal Audio LLC has asserted against numerous media companies and podcasters.”
The jury in the Eastern District of Texas found that Personal Audio had proved that CBS infringed the patent covering "distribution of episodic media content" by making its programs available its website and offering podcasts of its shows. It rejected CBS' arguments that the patent was invalid as obvious or anticipated by previous patents.
The jury in the Eastern District of Texas found that Personal Audio had proved that CBS infringed the patent covering "distribution of episodic media content" by making its programs available its website and offering podcasts of its shows. It rejected CBS' arguments that the patent was invalid as obvious or anticipated by previous patents.
Mobile Co. Pushes For Revival Of Google IP Suit At Fed. Circ.
A company seeking to revive a business method patent suit against Google Inc. and Facebook Inc. covering a system used to generate content for mobile websites faced an uphill battle at the Federal Circuit on Wednesday, with one judge saying she didn’t buy its expansive definition of the term “website.”
Jeremy Pitcock, an attorney for New York-based Wireless Ink Corp., told a three-judge panel at oral argument that a district court judge incorrectly granted summary judgment in its suit over U.S. Patent Number 7,908,342, which describes...
Jeremy Pitcock, an attorney for New York-based Wireless Ink Corp., told a three-judge panel at oral argument that a district court judge incorrectly granted summary judgment in its suit over U.S. Patent Number 7,908,342, which describes...
Google, Facebook Lose Mobile Patent Ruling
FOX Business
"Google Inc and Facebook Inc failed to win dismissal of a lawsuit by a New York company related to software designed to let people take part on social networks through their mobile phones.
Wireless Ink Corp, which runs the Winksite service, may pursue claims that Google Buzz and Facebook Mobile infringed its October 2009 patent, U.S. ..."
FOX Business
Wireless Ink Corp, which runs the Winksite service, may pursue claims that Google Buzz and Facebook Mobile infringed its October 2009 patent, U.S. ..."
US Patent Office Rejects Ultra's Claim Regarding Modular Power Supply Design Patent
"After almost three years of legal battle, the US Patent and Trademark Office has decided that all of the claims made by Ultra Products, now a part of the "Streak Products" division of Systemax, over the breach of its modular power supply patent were unfounded, enabling Antec, Enermax, FSP, Mushkin, Seasonic, Tagan and others to build such PSUs without having to pay Ultra a licensing fee.""
"After almost three years of legal battle, the US Patent and Trademark Office has decided that all of the claims made by Ultra Products, now a part of the "Streak Products" division of Systemax, over the breach of its modular power supply patent were unfounded, enabling Antec, Enermax, FSP, Mushkin, Seasonic, Tagan and others to build such PSUs without having to pay Ultra a licensing fee.""
Patent Suit Filed Against Google, Facebook
Wireless Week
"According to a report from Bloomberg, Wireless Ink Corp. is leveling patent infringement charges against both Google and Facebook."
Wireless Week
Google, Facebook Sued Over Mobile Sign-up Patent
“Wireless Ink is reportedly seeking cash damages and an injunction against use of the technology. You’d think — if the patent is found valid — the company would license it out, given that mobile sign-ups are compelling, and increasingly so as handset browsers become better and social networking reaches into regions and demographics where PCs are less common.”
Google, Facebook Sued Over Social-Networking Patent (Update1)
“Wireless Ink Corp., which runs the Winksite service, claims that Facebook Mobile and Google Buzz are infringing a patent issued in October. In a complaint filed yesterday in federal court in Manhattan, the company is seeking cash compensation and a court order to prevent further use of its invention.”